Monday, November 22, 2010

Internet Scam lagi... (22nd November 2010)
Wanita rugi hampir RM40,000
MIRI 21 Nov. - Gara-gara ingin mendapatkan wang tunai yang banyak dalam tempoh segera, seorang wanita tempatan kerugian RM39,350 selepas diperdayakan seorang lelaki dari United Kingdom yang dikenalinya melalui Internet. Mangsa yang berusia lingkungan 30-an memberitahu, dia mengenali lelaki itu sejak dua tahun lalu menerusi sebuah laman sosial di Internet.

Sejak tiga bulan lalu, katanya, mereka mula bercerita mengenai topik pelaburan dan kenalannya itu yang mendakwa bekerja sebagai peguam bela memberitahu bahawa dia merancang untuk melabur sebanyak 200,000 pound sterling (RM1 juta) bersama mangsa. Tidak berapa lama kemudian, mangsa menerima panggilan telefon daripada seseorang yang mendakwa dirinya merupakan ejen logistik dari Kuala Lumpur.

Pemanggil itu memberitahu mangsa bahawa ada satu bungkusan yang dikirim oleh seorang lelaki dari London kepadanya namun pemanggil tidak pasti apakah kandungannya kerana bungkusan itu dibalut dengan ketat dan tidak boleh dibuka.

Sementara itu, kenalannya itu mengesahkan ada mengirimkan satu bungkusan mengandungi wang 200,000 pound sterling. Namun demikian, ejen logistik itu meminta mangsa membayar RM4,000 untuk mendapat kelulusan kastam sekali gus bagi membolehkan bungkusan itu dihantar terus kepadanya.

Selang beberapa ketika, mangsa sekali lagi menerima panggilan daripada seorang 'pegawai kastam' di Kuala Lumpur yang memberitahu kandungan kotak itu tidak boleh diperiksa atau diimbas sebagaimana diarahkan oleh rakan sejawatannya di London. Ejen logistik itu sekali lagi menghubungi mangsa dengan memberitahu dia memerlukan bayaran RM12,000 bagi membolehkan mangsa menuntut bungkusan itu.

Teruja dengan isi kandungan bungkusan itu, pada 2 November lalu, mangsa memasukkan sejumlah wang RM5,000 diikuti RM2,350 pada 3 November dan RM12,000 pada 4 November. Pada 7 November, wanita itu sekali lagi memasukkan sejumlah RM9,900 dan diikuti RM5,100 pada jam 12.55 tengah hari pada hari yang sama menjadikan kesemua wang yang dimasukkan ke dalam akaun terbabit sebanyak RM39,350.

Note: They ‘jackpot’ you until you realized you are being cheated… Then you stop sending money… ah, its too late… they have played the jackpot till the lady wake up !

"Selepas memasukkan duit yang begitu banyak, baru saya tersedar ada sesuatu yang tidak kena. Saya rasa pihak terbabit menipu untuk memasukkan wang ke dalam akaun mereka," katanya selepas melaporkan kes itu kepada Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Pujut, Andy Chia di pejabat Parti Rakyat Bersatu Sarawak (SUPP) Pujut, Pujut 7, semalam. Selain itu, mangsa telah membuat laporan polis. Menurut mangsa, setiap panggilan yang diterima adalah daripada individu yang berbeza berdasarkan bunyi suara dan masa yang berbeza.


The Phone Callers:

1- Kenalan lebih 2 tahun, mana boleh tipu.
2- Orang lain panggil, lain-lain orang, mana boleh tipu (kalau tipu mesti seorang).
3- Orang 'kastam’ yang panggil (bukan orang jalanan).

The Facts:

1- Kenalan lebih lama, lebih untung.
2- Orang lain panggil, lain-lain orang, kawan dia lah !
3- Orang 'kastam’ sebenarnya budak cuci tandas !


Put some money to ‘clear’ tax and insurance and postage, and get $200,000… Must be my good luck boyfriend / girlfriend /overseas rich friend / Buyer!

IT’S THE SAME story, but with different ‘victim’ !

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Airport Nude Scanner and Health Issue


For the non-Muslim, it’s the issue of ‘privacy and health’ concerns, some lamented that ‘What is all the fuss of a little radiations at the airport for a safe journey’, ‘After all, there is the nude beaches, and people are all the more at risk from alcohol, cigarettes (tobacco), and road accidents than a little radiations at the airport.'

My answer to them is – ‘A little radiation a day, multiple that to a few weeks and months, then you get a really radiated pilots and air crews, and airport staff.’ Furthermore, for Muslim, the idea of nudity is always a major concern, because Islam prohibited and condemned nudity in public places and mass-media... and now that Western scientists have claimed (and possibly also proved in the near future) that the Nude Scanners are harmful, what is all the fuss of not stopping its wide usage?! (13th November 2010)

Scanners at US airports 'may be dangerous'
AAP November 13, 2010, 6:23 am
US scientists have warned that the full-body, graphic-image X-ray scanners being used to screen passengers and airline crews at airports around the country may be unsafe. "They say the risk is minimal, but statistically someone is going to get skin cancer from these X-rays," Dr Michael Love, who runs an X-ray lab at the department of biophysics and biophysical chemistry at Johns Hopkins University school of medicine, told AFP on Friday.

"No exposure to X-ray is considered beneficial. We know X-rays are hazardous, but we have a situation at the airports where people are so eager to fly that they will risk their lives in this manner," he said. The possible health dangers posed by the scanners add to passengers and airline crews' concerns about the devices, which have been dubbed "naked" scanners because of the graphic image they give of a person's body, genitalia and all.

A regional airline pilot last month refused to go through one of the scanners, calling it an "assault on my person" and a violation of his right to privacy.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) began rolling out full-body scanners at US airports in 2007, but stepped up deployment of the devices this year when stimulus funding made it possible to buy another 450 of the advanced imaging technology scanners.

A group of scientists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) raised concerns about the "potential serious health risks" from the scanners in a letter sent to the White House Office of Science and Technology in April. Biochemist John Sedat and his colleagues said in the letter that most of the energy from the scanners is delivered to the skin and underlying tissue. "While the dose would be safe if it were distributed throughout the volume of the entire body, the dose to the skin may be dangerously high," they wrote.

The Office of Science and Technology responded this week to the scientists' letter, saying the scanners have been "tested extensively"by US government agencies and found to meet safety standards. But Sedat told AFP Friday that the official response was "deeply flawed."

"We still don't know the beam intensity or other details of their classified system," he said, adding that UCSF scientists were preparing a rebuttal to the White House statement. Some 315 "naked" scanners are currently in use at 65 US airports, according to the TSA.